
SECTION bio_ photos HD_ tours & perform_ exhibitions_ documentary & fiction_ critic’s book_ workshop_



Erik M (ErikM) is a French musician, composer, and visual artist. He explores a wide spectrum of electroacoustic sound production, media art, and performance in his work.
From a young age, in 1987, he immersed himself in various rock-noise or industrial rock bands, while also dedicating himself to fanzines, street art, and creating his first installations.
In the 1990s, he emerged as one of the leading artists in the field of sound art and concrete music. He is undoubtedly one of the pioneers of glitch music and imagery.
Alongside repurposing objects from media and the music industry, ErikM continuously questions sound derived from the living, the invisible, and the unheard through his intense practice of field recording.
ErikM is one of the most influential turntablists of his generation, gracefully manipulating a variety of electronic devices. He crafts sparkling and captivating soundscapes, sometimes referencing electronic dance music.
He collaborates with improvising musicians, collectives, conceptual artists, and contemporary music ensembles.
He designs acousmatic or radiophonic works and composes mixed music for instrumental ensembles such as Ensemble Intercontemporain, Laborintus, Phoenix Basel, Les Percussions de Strasbourg, Dedalus, among others.
He has collaborated with Luc Ferrari, Jean-Luc Nancy, Christian Marclay, Thurston Moore, Bernard Stiegler, Mathilde Monnier, FM Einheit, Voice Crack, creating interdisciplinary works that offer a unique kaleidoscopic vision, juxtaposing the intimate with the political, the popular with the scholarly.
Beyond his performance and composition activities, extensively documented in various audio formats, he has exhibited drawings, photographs, sculptures, and sound installations in numerous galleries and museums.
His work undoubtedly reflects his explorations at the margins of science (phonography, electronic lutherie, etc.) and his curious poetic worldview.

ErikM is managed by Alters Egos production
The music is physically distributed worldwide mainly by the following distributors :
Les Presses du réel / Corticalart / Digital narcis / Forced exposure / HMV / Staalplaat / Japanimprov ... Moving image and video work is distributed by Light-cone
Graphic and plastic work : Les Presses du réel. Sextant&+. Bisou Records. Ouïe/Dire

Indices & marks

2023 CD Fata Morgana / Edition Photos + CD Douze Horizons / …
2022 Edition graphique & CD d’Echoplasme / CD Sun-Dog / 30eme anniversaire
2021 FATA MORGANA / Douze Horizons Quebec Avatar
2020 Roger Turner / Micro-Waves Duet
2019 LP Albédo with Anthony Pateras / ECHOPLASME / Thurston Moore
2018 What-is-Ours - dance / CD & LP Drum-Machines / CD Mistpouffers
2017 Multiphonies GRM / Ensemble Phoenix Basel / TIPC Drum-machines Taipei
2016 CD Doubse Hysterie / DRUM-MACHINES - Les Percussions de Strasbourg
2015 Reissue A.D.F. vinyl / Draugalimur - INA/GRM
2014 CD Ecotone
2013 CD’s MAL DES ARDENTS & ... / Les Percussions de Strasbourg
2012 CD TRANSFALL / Exhibition inONdible / DVD Austral / CD Cartouche
2011 Vinyl VISITATION Palnam / Exhibition Bînome / Exhibition VA©UUM
2010 Exhibition MU / Exhibition mOnO / Exhibition Patholitique
2009 Austral / Workshop / Simulacres série creation
2006 CD SIXPERIODES / Ensemble inter Contemporain
2005 Festival d’Avignon / Frere & Sœur / Alvin Curran
2004 CD Archives Sauvées des Eaux / Christian Fennesz / Dieb13 / F.M. Pesenti
2003 CD What a wonderful world / LUC FERRARI / Staccato . Palais de Tokyo Paris
2002 DEROUTES / Jean Luc -Nancy / Alliterations
2000 eRikm
1999 CD ZYGOSIS / CD FRAME / Performance for the DANCE / www.erikm.com
1998 POIRE_Z creation with Voice crack & Gunter Muller
1997 Biennale of young Créators Turin Italy
1994 ERIK M. / Turntable Art / instinct accidents
1993 Sound & COLLAGE
1992 Visuel COLLAGE / Light
1989 Noise music
1986 Fanzine / Street art
1970 Mulhouse France

Markers Places

The SHOWROOM London / KÖLNER PHILHARMONIE Cologne / Audio Fondation Auckland /
MONA MUSEUM Hobart / BEAUBOURG Paris/ I.C.A London / RHIZ Vienna TONIC NYC / PODEWIL Berlin / INA/GRM / Ircam / Instants Chavirés Montreuil / OLYMPIA Paris / LA BATIE festival Geneve / DARMSTADT I.M.D / HALLES DE SCHAERBEEK Bruxelles / SUPER DELUXE Tokyo / STEIM Amsterdam / LIQUID ARCHITECTURE Festival Sydney / Festival Archipel Geneve / U.H Festival Budapest / NEW CONTEMPORARY ARTS CENTER Barcelona / REITSCHULE Bern / FONDATION CARTIER Paris / CAVE 12 Geneve / MUDAM Luxembourg / Avatar Quebec / France Culture Radio / France Musique Radio/ WFMU / RSR-Espace2 / Radio Grenouille / BBC Radio 3 ...

Some titles of works (plastics & cd)

Digicode / Acouphène / Mute / Mashup score /Résilience / Itération / Transindividuation / Cause & effect / Zufall / Généresense soustractive / Corrélation / aUTOPORTRAIT sonore / Zygosis / Frame / MonO FaCe MirRor / Sixpériodes / Variations Opportunistes / Steme / ©haos ©lub / Trace cuts / presQue_chic / Lux Payllettes / Stodgy / Transfall / Ecotone / Drum-Machines / Echoplasme...



Main Projects

solo . :Idiosyncrasy :. electronic devices
solo . :Electro A :. cd-j & electronics
solo . :Générer - Dégénérer :. turntables & prepared records

Collective main projects

Duet with Pierre Bastien . Fr/Fr Sound
Pierre Bastien : Trumpet & mechanical mutes
ErikM : Idiosyncrasy : electronic devices

Duet SUN-DOG with Isabelle Duthoit . Fr/Fr Video
Isabelle Duthoit : Voice
ErikM : Idiosyncrasy : electronic devices

Duet ©haos ©lub with dieb13 . Fr/At > Video
dieb13 : Turntables
ErikM : Idiosyncrasy : electronic devices
+ Video screening

Duet MICRO-WAVES with Nathalie Forget . Fr/Fr > Video
Nathalie Forget : Ondes Martenot
ErikM : Idiosyncrasy : electronic devices

Duet ECOTONE with Martin Brandlmayr
 (Radian) . Fr/At > Video
ErikM : CD-J & Touch Screen 

Martin Brandlmayrn : Drums


Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari (1920) by Robert Wiene - 2024
Berlin – Symphonie d’une grande ville (1927) by Walther Rottmann - 2023
Le candidat – (1966) by Gérald Belkin - 2018

South – (1919) by Franck Hurley
 - 2008
Hyperscope – (Foot footage) with Gaelle Rouart & Etienne Caire - 2007
Paris qui dort – (1923) by René clair - 2004
Metropolis – (1927) by Fritz Lang with Barney Gumble - 1994

Interpretation of instrumental and mixed piece.

Luc Ferrari pieces > Video
Les Archives sauvée des eaux
Les Protorythmiques
A la recherche du rythme perdu
Et tournent les sons dans la garrigue
Le Piano Englouti by Brunhild Meyer Ferrari
Visitation : by eRikm & Luc Ferrari

John Cage pieces
Imaginary Landscape IV
Imaginary Landscape V
4’33 : de John Cage / a video streaming mosaic by eRikm

Erikm pieces
Fata Morgana with Ensemble Dédalus > Video
Echoplasme with Ensemble Hanatsu Miroir > Video
Drum-machines with Les percussions de Strasbourg > Video
Particules with Ensemble Phoenix Basel > Video
Austral with Ensemble Laborintus > Video

SECTION bio_ photos HD_ tours & perform_ exhibitions_ documentary & fiction_ critic’s book_ workshop_
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