
SECTION concrete & acousma_ music for ensemble_ radiophony_ collective projects_ Ogg/tape/object _ sampler_
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Ogg/tape/object  • 0 • 2012

Initiate by Yann Leguay
with Martin Tétreault . eRikm . DJ Sniff . Arnaud Rivière

DRIFT is a record series that uses non conventional technics of vinyl cutting, inviting artists to get involved with the materiel itself. For the first issue DRIFT-01, a concert of 4 turntablists improvising together was organized and recorded on 4 separate tracks. These 4 tracks became the 4 grooves, which meet on each side. A special technique was used to cut those several grooves, and layer them over each other in order to make them intersect continuously on the whole surface of the disc.

Playing the record produces a mix between the 4 physical sources. When you hear the sound coming from the left or right, it is physically how the pickup is drifting on the surface. The same applies to the clicks and cuts that signify that the needle has jumped. The pickup continually changes groove throughout its reading. And because it is impossible to read the 4 grooves simultaneously, you listen to one musician after the other but never reach the same listening experience as live in concert.

The nature of the turntable, the quality and wear of the needle, as well as playing with different settings (cons-weight, anti-skating…) are factors that affect the reading path. The duration becomes elastic (cf1. comparative test), new passages become available while some others disappear and some phenomenas of looping or going backward may occur.

The vinyl creates its own improvisation, the content becomes unstable.

artkillart |France & Germany
Drift A

Phonographes Vinylisés

Ogg/tape/object  • 0 • 2012

MANIF D’ART 6 Quebec, 2012
50 Copies

with : Jon Vaughn . Marina Rosenfeld . Philip Jeck . Ferran Fages
Claus van Bebber . Yann Leguay . eRikm . Hong Chulk . Otomo Yoshihide
Clinton Green

Oral |Canada

Radiophonic Creation Day

Ogg/tape/object  • 0 • 2010

Shake, rattle, Roll !

USB card with a book

While Digital Radio (DAB) is spreading all over Europe, it’s time to remember that, since its birth, the radio has always been a medium for creativity and not just a powerful means of communication, capable of the best as much as the worst. >>>

À l’heure du passage à la radio numérique (DAB) en Europe, il est temps de rappeler que la radio, depuis sa naissance, est aussi un médium de création et pas seulement un puissant instrument de communication capable du meilleur comme du pire. >>>

Rumeurs Danubn
Le Danube me ramène, non pas à Linz ou Nuremberg, mais un peu plus au
Sud-Est du fleuve, à Novi Sad dans l’ex-Yougoslavie, ou j’ai passé étant
enfant un été 77 extraordinaire. Le souvenir de ce voyage en voiture de
France à la Yougoslavie, fut mon premier grand voyage, où les gens ne
parlaient pas français ou allemand, mais serbo-croate. Rien que le nom de
cette langue me faisait rêve .
La guerre qui débuta en 1991, 11 ans après la mort de Tito, me rappela une
phrase de mon grand père me disant que le jour où Tito
disparaîtra, la Yougoslavie s’effondra, et les Balkans prendront feu .
La campagne était alors resplendissante, les routes ressemblaient plus à des
pistes, et les quelques Zastava (automobile serbe) visibles, étaient maquillées de noir et de gris
anthracite, par la peur et la menace d’une invasion russe.
La décade qui suivit (1991 2001) ces massacres sanguinaires, fut pour
moi un déchirement immense, et une prise de conscience irréversible de la
barbarie à la porte de mon enfance .
Né en moi des mots engloutis dans la chair d’un malgré-nous, cette courte pièce "rumeurs Danubn"
est le reflet d’un traumatisme par anticipation.

www.shakerattleroll.org |France
Rumeurs DanuBN

10 years of Room40

Ogg/tape/object  • 0 • 2010

Erikm Mixtape : Title Antiroom40

To celebrate our 10 years in 2010 we will be issuing a subscription only run of 6 cassettes featuring collages/mixes based around the ROOM40 catalogue over the years. Each tape will feature about 40mins from each artist per side and include material exclusive to the cassette.

The tapes will not be issued in any other format - nor will they be available separately. All tapes have hand-screened single colour j-card inserts and will be produced in a run of 100 copies only.

www.room40.org |Australia
Extract Antiroom40

Dolmen. Contemporary Art And Sound

Ogg/tape/object  • 0 • 2008

Publication & 2 x CD. Compilation
A Collective Improvisation

Dolmen Associates |Switzerland

État des yeux

Ogg/tape/object  • 0 • 2006

Movie review

exploding |france
Levox | 0:23min


Ogg/tape/object  • 0 • 2005

dieb13 + tomas korber + erikm

absurd |Greece
condenser | 2:33 min


Ogg/tape/object  • 0 • 2004

sampler : erikm dieb13 i-sound otomo y. martin ng

distilled on round cardboard, pressed on vinyl a hybrid of book and record. no catalogue, no mass-production, an object and event at the same time, which shows it´s evolution , always referential to the record. >>>

charhizma |Austria
disc_+_cuts | 0 :28 min
SECTION concrete & acousma_ music for ensemble_ radiophony_ collective projects_ Ogg/tape/object _ sampler_
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